Because why not? Just kidding, you probably want more information.

Adding edible insects to your diet and leaving out less sustainable forms of protein can help reduce many of the negative impacts your food has on the environment. We’re talking about the clearing of rainforests for cattle rearing and soy production, the massive amounts of Greenhouse Gases emitted by the livestock industry, and the volumes of fresh water being sucked dry by an unsustainable food system.
What we are saying is that if we can normalize entomophagy (the practice of eating bugs) and replace a substantial portion of the current meat-market with insects, the difference could disrupt resource scarcity, food waste, GHG emissions, deforestation, and malnutrition.

Crickets require less water than beef, whey, lentils, soy and eggs. Oh crack, did we just blow your yoke?

If you’re panicking because you heard crickets taste like crickets, and you don’t know what crickets taste like, don't bug out. To be honest, crickets don’t taste like much and can be best described as having a subtle nutty flavor. If anything, adding crickets to your favorite foods will only clear away the flavor of guilt and make them taste even better.

These aren’t just empty carbs, folks. Unlike plant proteins, cricket protein is a complete protein with all nine essential amino acids, more b12 than salmon, and more calcium than milk.
Did you know that 65% of all humans are lactose intolerant? Many more also experience bloating, acne, and other negative health effects from whey protein. Bummer.
Ya, we were surprised too.